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Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

a. Editorial independence
  • The editor-in-chief is responsible for the complete editorial content.
  • The submitted manuscripts are considered for publication based on the journal’s scope, academic merit, importance, originality, and soundness.
  • The journal does not discriminate based on authors’ gender, personal belief and choices, caste, race, ethnicity, citizenship, or affiliations.
  • Publishing decisions are determined only by the editorial board and are not influenced by the policies of governments or other agencies.

b. Conflicts of interest
  • Editor/s and reviewers will disclose any conflict of interest that is due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships / connections with any of the authors, companies, funding agencies or other institutions that are connected to the submitted manuscript.
  • The information contained in the submitted manuscript will not be used by editors or those with access (reviewer, publisher) for personal or commercial considerations
  • In case of any relationship that is deemed to be “conflict of interest”, editors and/or reviewers will recuse themselves

c. Peer review process and publication
  • The journal requires authors to declare a statement of originality and plagiarism and may employ additional checks to detect plagiarism.
  • In case of infringements and violation of publication ethics, the editor-in-chief may consult with other editors or reviewers in taking a decision regarding publication, and may ask the authors for a retraction or correction if the wrongdoing is discovered after publication
  • The peer review is conducted in a double-blind system
  • The manuscript will undergo independent peer review by at least two subject experts
  • Complete confidentiality about a submitted manuscript and the review process is maintained by the editors and editorial staff.
  • The information contained in the submitted manuscript is considered as confidential in nature and is not disclosed or shared, prior to publication, with anyone not involved in the process of peer review or publication.

d. Reviewers
  • Reviewers who feel unqualified to review a manuscript will inform the editor-in-chief, or handling editor of her/his decision to not review the manuscript without delay
  • Reviewers will maintain strict confidentiality regarding the contents of manuscripts and not disclose the contents to any person other than the Editor-in-Chief or handling editor (if any).
  • This is also applicable to those reviewers who have declined the invitation to review a manuscript.
  • Reviewers must comment only on the scientific matter, in an objective manner without any bias.

e. Authors
  • Authors must declare that the contents of their manuscript are original, and that the manuscript does not contain plagiarised data and/or text
  • Authors’ claim of original research and finding must be supported by data and analyses.
  • The experimental procedure must be described in sufficient detail or appropriately referred so as to permit replication by other researchers.
  • Authors must take full responsibility for the entire contents of the manuscript, and obtain necessary written permission from other publishers / authors / sources if such data or analysis have been included in the manuscript.
  • Authors are responsible for data validity, and will be held accountable for data fraudulence, manipulation and misrepresentation.
  • Authors must ensure that the same work has not been either published or submitted to multiple platforms, for consideration of publication.
  • Authors should be able to provide raw or processed data to the editor / reviewer during the peer review process (if asked for), or to other researchers following publication (unless the data are proprietary in nature)
  • The corresponding author must clearly state the contribution/s (if requested by editor / reviewer) of each author.
  • All authors must read, and approve of, the final manuscript. Submission of the manuscript indicates that they have done so.
  • Authors are required to declare affiliation, “conflict of interest” statement (if any), and sources of financial support (if any).
  • It is the responsibility of authors to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals (collection permit, biosafety clearance, ethical clearance, privacy etc) and include a statement if the manuscript describes research involving any of these.
  • It is entirely the responsibility of the authors to address the queries raised by editor and reviewers in a timely manner.

f. Publisher
  • The publisher will ensure timely publication of the work, errata, clarifications or retraction notices.

g. Access to journal content
  • The journal content is available at


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